marriage and family therapist Licensed in florida

Restart your relationship here

What we offer

Intensive couple’s coaching

The ideal choice plan that is tailored to reignite your love relationship.

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Online couple’s course

Learn how to restore your relationship together and how to reconnect

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counseling session online & in person

Discover yourself, heal and find ways to cope with the Attachment Approach.

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Learn how you love

The Power of Attachment Theory

Science based

Elica provides Attachment based therapy, which works deep in the root of the emotional issues, providing faster and lasting results. Here are some videos about it.

Videos on Attachment theory

which attachment style are you?

Watch this video and learn the way you love, why you love in this way and what can your partner do to reach you as best as possible.

video on 4 attachment styles

Couple’s course insight

are you guys able to do the couple’s course

The Hold me Tight® Couple’s Course is such a deep level change in your emotional connection that you might want to do test yourselves to make sure you are able to enjoy the course to its fullest.

Couples we helped